Shady Tactics for Crazy LinkedIn Growth Hacking


In today’s blog, we’re going to delve into the shady tactics some people are using to achieve massive growth on LinkedIn. While we do not recommend or endorse these tactics, it’s important to understand how they work and consider alternative, more ethical approaches to achieving viral success on the platform.

The Power of Comments and Engagement

When it comes to generating traffic on LinkedIn, comments and engagement are key. The more quality comments you receive from profiles with over 500 connections, the more likely your post is to gain traction and go viral.

However, some individuals are resorting to shady tactics to boost their engagement metrics. They are purchasing LinkedIn accounts with over 500 connections from websites like By buying these accounts in bulk, they can take advantage of discounts and amplify their reach.

The Importance of Verified Profiles

Simply buying accounts with high connection counts is not enough. The purchased LinkedIn profiles need to be verified and have legitimate connections with real people. This verification process involves manually reviewing each connection to ensure they are genuine.

Once the verified accounts are in place, the shady tactic involves logging into each profile and leaving highly detailed comments on posts within hours of them going live. This boosts the visibility and potential virality of the original post.

Corporate Pages and Virality

While this tactic can be applied to personal profiles, the real sweet spot for maximum virality lies with corporate or company pages. These pages tend to receive the most engagement, making them prime targets for growth hacking strategies.

However, it’s important to note that this is a numbers game. The more frequently you engage in this tactic, the higher your chances of success. Some individuals even leverage the same accounts repeatedly, albeit for a limited time.

The Lifespan of Shady Tactics

While leveraging purchased accounts can yield significant results in the short term, their effectiveness diminishes over time. Those who have experimented with this approach report that after about six months, it’s necessary to refresh the accounts by purchasing new ones.

It’s worth mentioning that Eric and I do not endorse or engage in these tactics ourselves. We simply aim to provide insights into the practices some marketers employ. However, we strongly encourage finding legitimate and ethical ways to achieve growth on LinkedIn.

White Hat Alternatives

Instead of resorting to shady tactics, there are several white hat alternatives that can help you make your content go viral on LinkedIn. One such strategy involves forming groups, similar to WhatsApp groups, with other like-minded individuals. These groups aim to support and promote each other’s content.

When someone in the group publishes a post, they notify the other members who then engage with and promote the content. This strategy ensures initial engagement and helps the post spread faster. These groups not only help boost content but also foster genuine relationships among participants.

While the white hat approach may take longer to yield results, it is a more sustainable and ethical way to grow your presence on LinkedIn. Remember, short term gains achieved through black hat tactics often lead to long term consequences and should be avoided.


While shady tactics exist for gaining LinkedIn growth, it’s crucial to approach social media marketing with integrity. By leveraging ethical strategies and forming genuine connections, you can achieve long term success on the platform.

We hope this blog has shed light on some of the tactics used by a minority of marketers and provided insight into alternative approaches. Remember, there are no shortcuts to sustainable growth, and taking the high road will always yield better results in the long run.

Thank you for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to our blog and YouTube channel for more valuable content. If you have any questions, leave a comment below, and we’ll be happy to assist you.

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